DLS Clinic Limited

Derma & Laser + Hair

07887 298008

Specialist skin Treatment Aftercare


Self care……

Taking care of you

here is your important aftercare information

Our specialist skin treatments will require extra care of the treated areas and some downtime is expected, you will be required to follow specific aftercare advice to prevent damage to your skin and tissue afterwards and achieve the best results and avoid infection.

In the first 24 hours

You can expect swelling, redness and a warm sensation similar to that of a mild sunburn. This is called the inflammation process which is a critical part of causing the skin to repair. You may experience mild discomfort and sensitivity, which may feel a little worse at night. You can apply dry and cool compresses from the fridge (never ice) and take over the counter paracetamol to alleviate your discomfort. This is normal.

You should never experience anything that causes you distress, this would not be considered normal and you should contact us on WhatsApp 07887298008 immediately, should you feel extremely unwell seek medical attention.

It is advised to avoid all sun exposure for a minimum of 2 weeks post treatment and during the entire course of treatments.

Do not use make-up on the treated area.

Always use our post treatment SPF for 48 hours following, in strong sunlight re-apply every 2 hours and wear a hat or keep the area covered.

Never pick or scratch at your skin you can apply savlon to relieve any itch.

You may lightly cleanse your skin the evening after your treatment with cotton pads and luke warm boiled water and apply a thin layer of savlon in the first 24 hours, after this use a mild facial wash.

Do not use hot water or have a hot shower for 48 hours as this may negatively affect your treatment and cause unwanted side effects.

The following 5 days after treatment

You may experience bruising, swelling, tenderness, crusting, dryness and scabbing. Be gentle with the area and avoid any activities that may injure the area further, the skin is healed when all dryness and scabbing has gone and at this time you can resume your usual activities and routines.

If your treatment induces scabbing in the treated area you must take extra care of these areas and keep the scab formation on the skin for as long as possible. Keep the scab dry and away from oils as this will increase the chance of the crust coming away early.

Do not scrub or exfoliate for 14 days after.

Please follow any specific guidance that your professional has given you at your treatment.

Skin renewal and rejuvenating treatments require adherence to aftercare for you to get the most from them and prevent complications such as infections.