DLS Clinic Limited

Derma & Laser + Hair

07887 298008


We offer cryotherapy which enables destruction of a wide variety of superficial skin lesions by controlled freezing. Because of its safety and high level of effectiveness and because it is safe to use, and is the simplest method of freezing by topical application on benign lesions which one wishes to destroy.

What is Cryosurgery and how does it work? Providers employ a freezing product to treat and destroy warts and a variety of skin growths or lesions.

What to expect during treatment, You will experience a sensation of coldness and some tingling which lasts briefly; most patients experience little or no pain from this treatment.

What you might experience after treatment the treated area will appear white immediately after the treatment, then within seconds a reddening of the area will occur. Lightening may occur with darker skin. Recovery to normal pigmentation will occur typically within two weeks to six months, depending on your body’s healing process.

Keep the treated area clean; you may shower, and swim. Generally, a bandage is not needed. Within a few hours to a few days the treated area may blister, change color or form a scab. Should a blister occur, protect it from injury or use a bandage. If a blister occurs, do not purposely puncture it; if it breaks, apply a topical antibiotic and cover with a bandage.

If a scab occurs, do not pull or irritate it; it will fall off naturally after a few days or weeks depending on the treatment area location and size, as well as your body’s ability to heal.

A second or third application of the cryotherapy may be necessary at two week intervals depending on the size, type and location of the lesion. Plantar warts are generally the most difficult to treat, and a daily application of an over the counter preparation may be required to accelerate the resolution of the wart. This will be advised at your treatment.


We offer treatment of fungal nails by laser, this is a tried an tested means to destroy the fungal infection in the nail.

Treatment is tolerated very well and results are usually very predictable, some people may require a few sessions of laser therapy to completely destroy all fungal spores and prevent reoccurrence.

Before treatment we suggest that new footwear and socks are provided to prevent further re-infection to the area. Old footwear can be sprayed, washed or decontaminated to prevent further contamination.


Hemosiderin Staining / long term bruising

This can occur anywhere on the body but most usually on the face it can cause distress due to the difficulty in covering these type of bruises and the associated social stigma and questions that can arise when others notice the bruise.

Some cosmetic treatments in the undereye area can nick a vein and allow blood to leak, become trapped and then stain the surrounding skin tissue, sometimes the body does not reabsorb the particles and they remain under the skin giving it a black/blue appearance. We offer treatment by pico laser to gently help break up the particles so that they can be removed and processed in a natural way, reducing the colour stain in the skin. It can sometimes require a few treatments to fully break it down as it is usually a little to no downtime procedure that does not cause skin trauma, the laser process it’s self can also rejuvenate and improve the skin texture.

The pricing starts from £55 depending on the size and location of the stain.